Keruilai Share: A Case Study of Environmental Protection Air Conditioning Installation in a Foundry in Anhui Province

Keruilai case sharing
Case details
Location: Anhui
Type: Foundry
Type: Cool down the wordshop
Design feature: overall cooling or work station cooling
Installation model and quantity
20 sets of 35A and 15 sets of 18C
Product Details
Keruilai KD35A air conditioner
Keruilai KD18 air conditioner
Source Statement:This article is originally edited or compiled by Guangdong Symphony Keruilai Air Coolers Co., Ltd.,Ltd. If reprinted, please indicate that it comes from Guangdong Symphony Keruilai Air Coolers Co., Ltd.。The above content (including images and text) is sourced from the internet. If there is any infringement, please contact our website promptly(400 168 3989)。